
The gums are the supporting structure that holds the teeth in place. By receiving a blow or by periodontal disease, the gums and support bone can be eroded and can lead to tooth loss.


Understanding gingivitis and periodontal disease

The supporting structures around the teeth include the gum, upper and lower jaw bones that hold the alveoli to hold the teeth, and the periodontal ligament, which is the suspensive tissue that surrounds the roots of the teeth, connecting them to the alveoli.


When dental plaque builds up in the mouth it can lead to gingivitis, which attacks the gums. When inflammation affects deeper structures, bone below the gum refers to periodontitis or periodontal disease.


Untreated gum disease causes permanent damage to supporting tissues and is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. If detected early, gingivitis is easily treated, but if the problem is ignored, it can become periodontitis, which causes a gradual loss of bone around the tooth.